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The world’s leading media companies trust RSG Media to help them overcome critical technical and business challenges.
Award Winning Predictive Analytics
We take great pride in our Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence capabilities to be acknowledged across our academic and industry peers.

Biggies awards
At the 2018 Biggie awards, our AdVant Log Optimizer won second place in the category of Excellence in the Use of Predictive Analytics, beating out Facebook who placed third.

Media Excellence Awards
That same year, we finished as finalists in the category of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence at the Media Excellence Awards.

In June 2022, RSG Media won the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) award Revenue Management & Pricing (RMP) Section Practice Award, for their work using machine learning, predictive modeling, and yield optimization algorithms to schedule linear television advertisements most profitably.

Cynopsis Media
In December 2022 Cynopsis Media has announced that the RSG Audience Platform was the winner of its 2022 Model D & IT Award for Outstanding Reporting and Analytics

In Feb 2023, it was announced that our RSG Audience platform won the AI, Machine Learning & Optimization Category in the 2023 FICO Decisions Awards for our work in Media Planning & Scheduling Optimization. The FICO Decisions Awards honor FICO clients that have achieved outstanding results using predictive analytics and decision management technology to grow their business, manage risk and reduce costs.